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Let us first start off by saying that dating is awesome. It can keep the flame of love alive-it can help you to remember why you chose your significant other in the first place. Dating is also something that you need to put some effort into or it becomes monotonous. (ex. Ending up at Buffalo Wild Wings every Friday night and feeling so fab because your boo thang is staring at you. Oh wait... no, that’s just the screen above your head. AVOID IT LIKE THE PLAGUE.)

If you are ever lacking in the “date idea” department, we have you covered. We recently went on a double date that was a total hit.

We decided that a drive-in movie was a fun alternative to a movie theatre. We got everything prepped and drove out an hour before the boys. When they got home from work they each found an invitation with only an address and a time.

Our checklist:



+string lights

+generator (yes, we are insane, but we HAD to plug the lights in...) we fancy like that.

+burritos (always burritos)

+popcorn, candy, soda



We used a truck, but you can just lay your seats down if you don't have one. (Penny&Boss are supporters of all things mini, but smart cars are not reccommended for this date.) As we were building this masterpiece/tent-like creation everyone was giving us the “a bit much, don’t you think? look." But after getting that look holiday after holiday from our husbands, it does not phase us anymore. (Insert photo shoot of our dogs in every holiday outfit possible here.)

Just keep stringing those lights, girl. It's those little extra touches that make life fabulous.

We started by putting one stick on each side of the back of the truck to hold the blankets. Then, we draped the blankets over them to create a little canopy. Our final touch was to arrange all of the pillows and blankets in the back of the truck and BAM, your life is a pinterest board. Live like Martha Stewart is always watching and make her proud, people!

This date was a ton of fun and our husbands really appreciated how much effort we put into it. Get out of that dating rut and try something new for a change!

Don’t be basic.



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