Hello lovely people!
We are so excited to announce that we have teamed up with Harley Chapman (of harleyannchapman.com) to teach you some fun hairstyles that we have been adoring lately. Harley styles hair for every type of event and does amazing work! If you need your hair done and live in Arizona, she is your girl. She created some hairdos especially for Penny+Boss that anyone can do! We loved how they turned out. We now present the braided top knot.

STEP 1: Using a 3/4 inch curling wand, begin curling the hair in 1 inch sections. Alternate the direction you're curling the hair with each curl, but keep the hair around the hairline going away from the face. Don't brush out the curls until you are done with the whole head! This will help them keep their shape all day.
STEP 2: Once the whole head is done, break up the curls with your fingers. Spray some dry shampoo at the roots for volume and use spray wax on the ends for lots of beachy texture.
STEP 3: Now to creat the top knot, begin by teasing the hair on the top of the head back to the crown area.
STEP 4: Place your fingers on both temples, and then pull all of the hair between them up into a pony tail.
STEP 5: Pull out some of the hair on top of the head for extra volume.
STEP 6: Tease base of the pony tail.
STEP 7: Braid the ends of the pony tail. You won't be able to braid the section that was teased, but you want that for the base of the bun!
STEP 8: Wrap the braid into a bun and use bobby pins to hold it in place. Use some hairspray and ta-da! A braided half top knot with some fun messy, beach waves.
We love this twist on the traditional top knot, especially with the beachy look on bottom. Thank you for checking out this tutorial, we have so many more fun hairstyles to share with you soon!
xoxo, Sydney&Suzy
Guest: Harley Chapman
Products we used:

Hairspray: Sebastian Shaper
Hair wax: Big sexy hair
Dry shampoo: Big sexy H2No
Curling Iron: Bed head curling wand 3/4 inch