We loved how the last hair tutorial turned out so much, that we teamed up with Harley Chapman again to bring you some more hair inspiration. These braids look fabulous for any situation. Going to a ball? Perfection. Milking cows in the morning? These are for you. Just feeling fabulous? Braid it up. mhmm.

STEP 1- Tease the crown area. Don't be shy here! The more you tease, the easier it will be to cover up the part line going down the back of the head. STEP 2- Split the hair in half and begin a fishtail braid on one side. (Fishtail braids look super intricate but are actually really simple! There are tons of good tutorials on pinterest for fishtail braids if you haven't learned yet.) STEP 3- With other half of the hair, braid a regular three strand braid. STEP 4- At this point, you should have all of your hair up into two braids. Now, you will need to pull each braid apart. This will make your braids appear to be a lot thicker than they are. Just grab each side of the braid and pull, making your way all the way down the braid. Using a volumizing powder will help get a lot of texture in the braids. STEP 5- Now take the three strand braid and pull it around your head so that it ends at the top. Bobby pin this braid every few inches so that it is secure. Do the same with the fishtail, bringing it around the other side of your head so that they overlap at the top. You may want to put one braid underneath the other one the very top of the head. This will help cover up the elastic band and the ends of the hair.

This is such a fun variation to a tradional milk maid braid style.
We are so excited to see what you create!
Hairstyle done by Harley Chapman of harleyannchapman.com