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We went shopping with Savanah (instagram:@savanahpoulsen) from to show you all some of our favorite things this holiday season!

First of all, Anthropologie window displays are always to die for, how do they do it?! And what do they do with the display after? Can we buy it? So many questions for Mr. and Mrs. Anthro.

First stop, Anthropologie.

Anthro aprons are the best because they are so detailed and fancy, but super reasonably priced! Click HERE to see the styles they have in now! Such a fun and different gift idea for the baker in your life.

Basically anything on this display you could wrap up in some cute cellophane, tie some ribbon around it and it would make an amazing gift!

Everyone needs an initial mug. Found HERE.

If we ever win the lottery we will go and buy all of the ornaments from here. Click HERE to see the collection!

Sometimes when too many cute things are in one place we need to sit and rest from it all.

Sharing a casual laugh on the bridge. haha The Village shopping center in Boise, Idaho is so adorable! Check out the tree and little gingerbread house in the back!

We wanted to iceskate but had to get back to business.

The second shop we are featuring is called Paperie and Pen.

There are so many little treats, stationary, party supplies, and everything else you need in your life immediately.

They have THE CUTEST banners that are so fun. Do yourself a favor right now and hit up their website to see all of the goodies they have. (Or if you happen to live in Boise pop on in to their shop!)

They have a whole rack of Kate Spade accessories. BONUS.

Wrapping up gifts in this shop would be a dream! We definitely need this in our homes before next Christmas.

Thank You for checking out what we are currently loving! Huge shout out to Chantel Cherie Photography (instagram:@chantelcheriephoto) for following us around on this fun shopping trip! Follow her for some amazing photography, we hope to work with her again in the future!



Guest Blogger: Savanah Poulsen

*(This post is in no way endorsed by these shops.)

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